Education Training and Events Schedule 2024-2025

Training Programme 

The Education Team offer regular briefings for Headteachers and Chairs of Governors to update them on current education issues and provide support. These along with the support and training for new church school leaders and Year 6 Celebration are offered to all of our church schools at no charge.   

The team provides a comprehensive training programme for governors, headteachers and school leaders, clerks, teaching staff and clergy. Most of these courses include unlimited places to schools with a 2024-25 Partnership Agreement.  Course fees for non-partnership schools and courses not included in the partnership are indicated on the booking forms. 

The majority of our training and briefing meetings are held online via Zoom unless indicated in the schedule. However we have increased the number of face to face events for the 2024-25 academic year. 

Booking your Training

To make it easier for you to find and book relevant courses, we have listed them by stream according to your role in school. Click on the course name below to visit our booking system, where you will find a complete course description, course fees (if applicable) and dates. 

Should you encounter issues with online booking then contact the Education Team directly who will help you to make your booking. 

New courses, briefings and forum groups may be introduced throughout the year and updated here and on our e-bulletin

If you would like a complete list of all courses and their dates, click here for our listed training schedule.

Church School Leadership 

Headteachers' Termly Briefing Session 

ECT Welcome and Induction

Creating and Embedding a Theologically Rooted Christian Vision

Working in a Church School - School Business Manager Surgery 

Net Zero Carbon Schools

Headteacher and Senior Leaders Mental Health and Well Being Day 

The Bible Course

Headteachers Networking Event - Courageous Advocacy Focus   (Craven Arms) 

Headteachers Networking Event - Courageous Advocacy Focus  (Hereford) 

The Theology of Church School Leadership

Courageous Advocacy

Headteachers and Senior Leaders’ Conference

Friday 4th July 2025 
Further details coming soon!

 Academy Trust CEOs’ Conference

School Websites: a window on your Christian vision  Curriculum Design: a Focus on Diversity and Equity

Governance including governance professionals

Governors and Governance Professionals' (Clerks) Termly Briefing


Overview of Governance in a Church School (for both Maintained Schools and Academies) - Session 1

                                                            Overview of Governance in a Church School (for Maintained Schools  - Session 2                                                             Overview of Governance in a Church School (for Academies) - Session 2                               

SIAMS Overview for Governors

Monitoring the Impact of the School’s Christian Vision (for Governors)

Governance Professionals’ Annual Planning Session (being prepared for the year ahead)

SIAMS Training & Support 

Our SIAMS Framework courses are designed to enable schools to select the areas where they require further training. There is no need to complete them all. However, schools must attend the Introduction and IQ1 course before attending any further SIAMS courses. We recommend that your colleagues book the courses relevant to their leadership areas. Each course is linked to two  Inspection Questions.   

SIAMS Introduction to the Framework and IQ1: Deepening your Christian Vision

  SIAMS IQ2: Curriculum and Spiritual Development and IQ3: Collective Worship  
SIAMS: Creating a Culture of Dignity and Respect (IQ4) and Creating a Culture of Responsibility and Courageous Advocacy (IQ5)  SIAMS: Effectiveness of Religious Education (IQ 6/7)

Religious Education & Collective Worship 

Understanding Christianity - Refresher for Teachers

RE Leaders 101 – New RE Leaders or Refresher Course

Impactful Collective Worship for Clergy and School Staff

RE Teacher Subject Knowledge – Teaching about Islam

Global Christianity - New course based on national materials (released Sept 24)

RE Teacher Subject Knowledge – Teaching about Hindu dharma

RE Curriculum Design Workshop   in person Shropshire and Hereford venues.

RE Teacher Subject Knowledge – Teaching about Jewish Beliefs and Practice

Teaching World Religions

Celebrating the Church Year Through Creative Collective Worship

Christian Distinctiveness & Spirituality

Year 3 and 4 Pupils’ Prayer Experience Workshop  - Hereford and Ludlow events 

Developing an Understanding of Spirituality and Spirituality across the Curriculum

Year 1 and 2 Bible Through Drama Workshop  - Hereford and Ludlow events

Flourishing for All: Anti-Bullying Guidance for Church of England Schools and Mental Health and Wellbeing

Thursday 26th June 2025

Year 6 Leavers’ Celebration Services at Hereford Cathedral
(event booking form and details available in January 2025)


Full Training Schedule

Please view our full calendar of training and events below. Please download the document with booking links by clicking the button underneath.

Download Training Schedule


Partnership Agreement 

All schools are offered a Partnership Agreement, which includes bespoke individual support and access to further resources, including RE and Worship resources. Most of the training courses are included in the package. 

Bespoke consultancy work often includes delivering tailored courses for a group or individual school to work on a specific development area for teaching staff and governors. Contact us to enquire about your training and support needs. 

Booking Terms and Cancellation Policy

Our booking terms and cancellation policy for our online training and events are detailed here.


Education Team eBulletin Training and Events

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