This is not an exhaustive list of funders, but is an excellent starting point for your funding search. There are three main sections to this page:
National Lottery Heritage Fund - the National Lottery Heritage Fund is an important funder for many church projects undertaking extensive repairs.
Funding Portals - these are links to external websites offering a database of potential grant funding organisations.
Individual Funding Organisations - individual funders whom you may wish to consider approaching as part of your funding package.
From January 2024 the Diocese has grants available for minor repairs and improvements to church buildings through the Church of England's Buildings for Mission programme. More information and details of how to apply can be found on the Buildings for Mission Grants page.
For further assistance with funding for church building projects please contact Lorna Theophilus, Church Building Support Officer.
In January 2024 the National Lottery Heritage Fund launched a new strategy, Hertiage 33: Our 10 year Strategy and amended it's grant schemes. How much grant money you are seeking from the National Lottery Heritage Fund will determine the applicaiton method and when you can apply:
National Lottery Heritage Grants for £10,000 to £250,000 (Medium)
National Lottery Heritage Grants for £250,000 to £10 million. (Large)
All National Lottery Heritage Grant projects need to meet certain investment principles.
The following websites offer links to numerous grant funders whom it might be worth approaching for your project:
Parish Resources
Herefordshire Council Funding Directory
ACRE - Open to Church Hall for the modernisation and improvement of village halls
Beaverbrook Foundation supports a variety of causes, including preserving heritage buildings
Benefact Trust (formerly All Churches Trust) for projects address the social challenges and to protect and enhance churches and Christian charity buildings,
Benefact Trust (Formerly All Churches Trust) Roof Alarm Grants Programme
Churches Conservation Foundation - special conservation projects to the fabric and contents of historic listed churches
ChurchCare for grants towards conservation reports and the conservation of historic church interiors and churchyard structures
Garfield Weston supports projects relating to welfare, youth, community, environment, education, health, arts, heritage and faith.
Historic Churches Trusts:
The Idelwild Trust fund conservation of objects and works of art
Lasletts Hinton Charity Grants to assist in the repair and restoration of churches and chapels connected with the established Church of England within the Dioceses of Worcester, Hereford, Gloucester, Lichfield, Coventry and Birmingham.
Listed Places of Worship Scheme (VAT) gives grants covering the VAT on repairs of over £1,000 to listed buildings used as places of worship.
Small Grants to support small but urgent maintenance and repair issues or to carry out small investigative works - Grants of £500 - £5,000 (exceptionally £10,000)
Medium Grants to support urgent repair and maintenance issues as well as project development work - Grants up to £10,000
Large Grants for urgent structural repair projects and for projects to install kitchens and toilets. - Grants of £10,000 - £50,000
National Lottery Community Fund
- The Joseph Rank Trust for the adaption of Church properties with a view to providing improved facilities for use by the church and its work in the community.
ON Organ Fund supports organ repair and restoration projects
Ouseley Church Music Trust who work to promote and maintain a high standard of choral service
The Leche Trust the conservation of historically, artistically and culturally significant buildings and objects dating from before 1837 that are in urgent need of remedial treatment
The Rowlands Trust Restoration and re-ordering of church buildings which lead to an increase in community use
The Sharpe Trust supports bell projects
The Worshipful Company of Clockmakers supports clock repair and restoration projects
Trusthouse Charitable Foundation for community support projects in deprived urban and rural areas.
Welsh Church Act Fund
W.A.Cadbury Trust for conservation including projects to preserve buildings of historic importance & community action in church buildings (West Midlands, but not including Shropshire)
William and Jane Morris Fund to support projects conserve stained glass, sculpture, furniture, internal monuments and tombs, and wall paintings made before 1896
Worshipful Company of Glaziers to historic and/or artistically significant stained and architectural glass