Choir Church makes the end-of-term celebrations for three Hereford Schools

Published on: 12th July 2022

Choir Church, Holy Trinity

Last Friday, 8 July saw Holy Trinity Church packed to the rafters as children from three schools came together in their first Choir Church service at the end of term. 


Lord Scudamore Academy and St Thomas Cantilupe CE School, along with helpers from Hereford Cathedral School and Holy Trinity Choir, gathered to sing Choral Evensong as part of the West Hereford Team’s Choir Church pilot.


Choir Church builds new congregations in and amongst schools.  Children learn sacred choral music, taught in an inclusive and accessible way, which nurtures their faith, and connects what they see with what they sing and how they pray.  Choir Church also puts social action at the heart of Christian teaching.  Choir Church is emerging in parishes in London, Worcester, and the Diocese of Blackburn, and this initiative in the Diocese of Hereford is the latest venture.


The school choirs drew on themes of light and darkness, and as part of the initiative with the West Hereford Team, the children at Lord Scudamore Academy and St Thomas Cantilupe CE School were encouraged to think about where they saw darkness in their local community.  One consistent theme the children returned to was the environment and pollution issues.  So the children produced eco poster displays in their own time and took part in litter picks alongside their choral practice.


The school choirs were invited to sing in Choral Evensong at Holy Trinity Church, part of the West Hereford Team.  Over 100 parents, carers and teachers attended the evensong, and Claire McKeown, headteacher of St Thomas Cantilupe CE school, commented, “It was a wonderful opportunity for the children to shine.  They felt included, special, valued and very proud of their achievement.  Holy Trinity’s Church Choir created an opportunity for children to shine.”


Leaders hope Choir Church will expand to include more schools across the city next term.


Revd Ruth Hulse, Team Rector of the West Hereford Team, adds: “It was a joyful occasion.


“Choral music has a long tradition in this part of the world.  It is a wonderful way to help introduce God’s message to a young audience and make it real to everyday life.  Christians often tell me that their faith grew through singing in church or as part of a choir.


“It was wonderful to see how the children responded to the music and to Choir Church.  I am excited to see how this grows next term.”

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