Growing confidence in the word of God @ Tupsley

Date and Time :
23rd March 2024 - 9:30am - 1:00pm
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image of Bibles being thrown in the air

Boost your faith, discover the power of God's word and grow your confidence with our third Bishop's Teaching Event in Tupsley, Hereford.

Bishop's Teaching Event - Growing confidence in the word of God @ Tupsley

Join us at St Paul's Church, Tupsley, Herefordshire for a special in-person event where Bishop Richard will share valuable insights on growing confidence in the word of God. This event is designed to help you deepen your understanding and strengthen your faith. Don't miss this opportunity to learn and connect with others as part of our Year of Faith. Whether you're a seasoned saint or just starting your spiritual journey, this event is open to all. Come and be inspired!

Agenda for the event

09:30 - 10:00 Doors open - Tea and Coffee available

10:00 - 10:15 Worship and Welcome

10:15 - 11:00 How to build your confidence and share the word of God - Bishop Richard

11:00 - 11:15 Coffee Break

11:15 - 12:00 Seminars

              1. Local Deanery Seminar details TBC

              2. Living a generous life - Rosa Speyer

              3. Local Deanery Seminar details TBC

12:00 - 12:10  Short break

12:10 - 12:50  Seminars

              1. Local Deanery Seminar details TBC

              2. Living a generous life - Rosa Speyer

              3. Local Deanery Seminar details TBC

12:50 - 13:00 Closing remarks and Blessing  - Bishop Richard

To book please register using the Eventbrite link

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