Vocations Evening

Date and Time :
17th May 2023 - 6:30am - 8:30am
Related Page:

The Cross at sunset - invitation to vocations evening

There are now a variety of ways in which people may train and serve as Local Ministers, Licensed Lay Ministers and Ordained Ministers in Hereford Diocese.


We are holding an open evening for people wanting to learn more about vocations in our parishes at the Mascall Centre, Ludlow, on Wednesday 17th May, 2023.


The timetable for the evening is as follows:

  • 6.30pm Gather
  • 6.45pm Worship
  • 7.15pm Information session about Lay and Ordained vocations, training and ministry
  • 8.15pm Break for refreshments
  • 8.30pm Opportunity to sit in on a teaching session which is part of the Introduction to Christian Ministry Course.


If you have someone who would like to come along, please get in touch with Elizabeth Wild or Neil Patterson – or they can simply come along to this event.


Equally, if they are not able to attend this event, please contact Elizabeth or Neil for more information, for an informal discussion or if you’d like us to come and meet with a group of people in your local area.


Our prayer is that more and more people will feel called and equipped to serve God within and beyond the church.

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